Read This ONCE In Your Life Time

Warning: This entry might cause some troubles, revenges and some lecture. Therefore, do not excess recommended reading times.

This entry includes a personal trainer called Jordan.

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/midnight. Today, I’m gonna give you a few tips on how to be Evil. It’s something I’ve experienced so don’t tell me “This is an impossible task!”

P.S. I didn’t get paid for tutoring you.
  1. I was at Borders in the other day.
    “Hey you! Don’t buy Stephenie Mayer’s, she sucks. Her book is Bo-Ring.”
    I lied to the Twilight-book-flipping-and-just-walked-away-stranger. Oh please, the Twilight saga is my favorite book!
  2. Fake gun? Check! Spare fake gun? Check! Blonde wig? Check! Spare blond wig? Check!
    I took a long, deep breath and rush into the KFC kitchen.
    “Hand out the food and no one gets hur- Oops, sorry… Wrong room.”
    This is considered Evil if you remember check the label on the door. Just ignore the fact that I rushed into the Men’s room.
  3. There’s something in my friend’s hair.
    “You got something in your hair.”
    “Nothing, just kidding. Haha!”
  4. I’m drinking my coffee, sitting on the kitchen table while talking on the phone with my friend. My maid came in and wipes the table.
    “Hang on a sec, Nic – Hey, you missed a spot.”
    I spilled the coffee on the table. “There.” I laughed until my tummy hurts.
    She. Was. Pissed.

Try this and you’ll end up in hell.

Fine, I lied about SOME of the tips. XOXO


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